c For FORMAT B, the inputted data must be structured as follows: c NOTE: Be sure to right-justify the inputted data c c Line 1, column 2: 2 or 3 c number of diagnostic tests c Line 1, columns 4-5: maximum is 15 c number of readers c c {The next J lines give the J x I matrix of estimated accuracies c where J is the number of rows, aka readers, and I is the number c of columns, aka diagnostic tests. Note that these estimated c accuracies (or a suitable transformation of them) should take on c values between zero and one.} c The fixed format for these data must be specified by the user in c the main body of the program. c estimated accuracy for reader 1 for each of I tests c estimated accuracy for reader 2 for each of I tests c etc. c estimated accuracy for reader J for each of I tests c c {The next J lines give the J x J matrix of estimated c variances and covariances corresponding to modality 1. So, the first c entry is the variance of the estimated accuracy of reader 1 in c modality 1. The second entry in that same row is the covariance of c the estimated accuracies of readers 1 and 2 for modality 1. etc. c In the J-th row, the first entry is the covariance of the estimated c accuracies of readers 1 and J for modality 1.} c estimated variance and covariances for reader 1 in test 1 c estimated variance and covariances for reader 2 in test 1 c etc. c estimated variances and covariances for reader J in test 1 c c {The next J lines give the J x J matrix of estimated c variances and covariances corresponding to modality 2. So, the first c entry is the variance of the estimated accuracy of reader 1 in c modality 2. The second entry in that same row is the covariance of c the estimated accuracies of readers 1 and 2 for modality 2. etc. c In the J-th row, the first entry is the covariance of the estimated c accuracies of readers 1 and J for modality 2.} c estimated variance and covariances for reader 1 in test 2 c estimated variance and covariances for reader 2 in test 2 c etc. c estimated variances and covariances for reader J in test 2 c c {The next J lines give the J x J matrix of estimated c variances and covariances corresponding to modality 3 (if there is c a third modality. Otherwise, skip to the next set of instructions.)} c estimated variance and covariances for reader 1 in test 3 c estimated variance and covariances for reader 2 in test 3 c etc. c estimated variances and covariances for reader J in test 3 c c {The next J lines give the J x J matrix of covariances c corresponding to having a reader in modality 1 and a reader in c modality 2. So, the first entry is the covariance between c the estimated accuracies of reader 1 in modality 1 and reader 1 in c modality 2. The second entry in that same row is the covariance of c the estimated accuracies of reader 1 in modality 1 and reader 2 in c modality 2, etc. c In the J-th row, the first entry is the covariance of the estimated c accuracies of reader J in modality 1 and reader 1 in modality 2.} c cov for reader 1 in modality 1 with other readers in modality 2. c cov for reader 2 in modality 1 with other readers in modality 2. c etc. c cov for reader J in modality 1 with other readers in modality 2. c c {The next J lines give the J x J matrix of covariances c corresponding to having a reader in modality 1 and a reader in c modality 3 (If a third modality exists). So, the first entry is the c covariance between the estimated accuracies of reader 1 in modality 1 c and reader 1 in modality 3. The second entry in that same row is the c covariance of the estimated accuracies of reader 1 in modality 1 and c reader 2 in modality 3, etc.} c cov for reader 1 in modality 1 with other readers in modality 3. c cov for reader 2 in modality 1 with other readers in modality 3. c etc. c cov for reader J in modality 1 with other readers in modality 3. c c {The next J lines give the J x J matrix of covariances c corresponding to having one reader in modality 2 and one reader in c modality 3 (If a third modality exists). So, the first entry is the c covariance between the estimated accuracies of reader 1 in modality 2 c and reader 1 in modality 3. The second entry in that same row is the c covariance of the estimated accuracies of reader 1 in modality 2 and c reader 2 in modality 3, etc.} c cov for reader 1 in modality 2 with other readers in modality 3. c cov for reader 2 in modality 2 with other readers in modality 3. c etc. c cov for reader J in modality 2 with other readers in modality 3. c c See the example dataset named formB.dat.