title 'Plot of 2 ROC Curves on a Single Set of Axes'; title2 'Based on Data from a 1-5 Rating Scale'; filename gsf pipe 'lp -d printername'; goptions reset=all rotate=landscape device=Xcolor targetdevice=ps gsfmode=replace gaccess=sasgastd gsfname=gsf cback=white; data mydata; input sens_1 spec_1 sens_2 spec_2; /* For "spec_i", enter 1-specificity */ cards; /* THE FOLLOWING IS SAMPLE DATA ONLY; REPLACE WITH YOUR DATA */ .10 0 .094 0 /* DATA CORRESPONDING TO "TEST='DISEASED' IF RATING=5" */ .633 .267 .656 .048 /* DATA CORRESPONDING TO "TEST='DISEASED' IF RATING >=4" */ .733 .667 .75 .108 /* DATA CORRESPONDING TO "TEST='DISEASED' IF RATING >=3" */ .733 .767 .75 .170 /* DATA CORRESPONDING TO "TEST='DISEASED' IF RATING >=2" */ 1 1 1 1 /* DATA CORRESPONDING TO "TEST='DISEASED' IF RATING >=1" */ ; ************************************************************************; title1 height=2.0 font=swiss 'Figure 1'; title2 height=1.5 font=swiss 'ROC Curves 1 and 2'; symbol1 color=black font=swissx interpol=join line=1; symbol2 color=black font=swissx interpol=join line=2; axis1 label=(height=2.0 font=swiss 'False Positive Rate') value=(height=1.5 font=swiss ) order=(0.0 to 1.0 by 0.2) minor=none length=14 cm offset=(1,1) ; axis2 label=(height=2.0 font=swiss 'Sensitivity' rotate=90) value=(height=1.5 font=swiss) length=14 cm minor=none order=(0.0 to 1.0 by 0.2) offset=(0,0); proc gplot data=mydata; plot sens_1*spec_1=1 sens_2*spec_2=2 / overlay haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2; footnote ' ' h=3; run; quit;