A long term goal of my laboratory is to understand the ways in which our immune system contributes to diseases like heart disease and asthma. I have several major areas of focus. One centers on the role of myeloperoxidase, a protein found in white blood cells that plays an important role in fighting infections, but which we have discovered also participates in development of heart diseases. A second area focuses on the role of microbes in our intestines (called gut flora) in heart disease. Another area focuses on the HDL particle (carrier of good cholesterol in the blood).
Stanley Hazen, MD, PhD, received clinical training in Internal Medicine and subspecialty training in Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism from Barnes/Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO, and a PhD in Biophysical Chemistry and Molecular Biology from Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO. He holds multiple leadership positions at the Cleveland Clinic including chair, Department of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Sciences, Lerner Research Institute, co-Section head, Preventive Cardiology & Rehabilitation, Heart, Vascular & Thoracic Institute, and Director, Center for Microbiome & Human Health. Dr. Hazen sees patients within the Preventive Cardiology Clinic, specializing in preventive cardiovascular medicine care of patients including treatment of hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obesity and diabetes. He also sees patients within the Cardiovascular Rehabilitation program. His research interests include studies of mechanisms for the development of cardiovascular disease, with emphasis on understanding the role of the gut microbiome, inflammation and oxidant stress in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and other inflammatory diseases.
A renowned physician scientist, Dr. Hazen has made pioneering discoveries in new understandings of mechanisms contributing to cardiovascular and inflammatory disease research. He is credited with numerous seminal discoveries linking gut microbial pathways to cardiovascular disease pathogenesis, as well as enumerating the role of myeloperoxidase and other inflammatory and oxidative pathways in cardiovascular disease. Dr. Hazen is among the top 0.1% cited researchers in the world with over 140,000 citations. He has published over 475 peer-reviewed articles in top tier basic and clinical journals alike in the fields of atherosclerosis, lipoprotein metabolism, gut microbiome, inflammation, vascular biology, and other topics related to preventive cardiovascular medicine. His research in multiple areas has impacted clinical practice, and lays the foundation for FDA- and EU-cleared diagnostic tests for cardiovascular disease risk assessment in use worldwide. He is listed as inventor on over 100 patents, and his research has helped to spawn pharmaceutical development of cardiovascular disease drugs in clinical trials.
Dr. Hazen has received numerous awards including being the Inaugural recipient of the Top 10 Clinical Discovery of the Year (2011) Award, Clinical Research Forum; the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association “top 10 advance in heart disease and stroke science” award (2013); and the American Heart Association Distinguished Scientist Award (2017). Dr Hazen has been honored with election of membership into honorary societies in both science and clinical arenas alike, including the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI) and the American Association of Physicians (AAP). Dr. Hazen is an elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Dr. Hazen also is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine, USA.
Education & Fellowships
Fellowship - Barnes-Jewish Hospital
St. Louis, MO USA
Residency - Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Internal Medicine
St. Louis, MO USA
Medical Education - Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO USA
Medical Education - Washington University
St. Louis, MO USA
Undergraduate - Washington University
St. Louis, MO USA
Professional Highlights
Awards & Honors
Innovations & Patents
A long term goal of my laboratory is to understand mechanisms through which inflammation contributes to diseases like atherosclerosis and asthma. Several major research programs are currently under investigation. One research program focuses on the role of myeloperoxidase, a leukocyte heme protein, in promoting oxidant stress in vivo, and its participation in cardiovascular diseases. A second area focuses on HDL structure and function. A final area of research interest focuses on the role of intestinal microbiota in cardiometabolic disease.
All research projects rely heavily on chemical and analytical methods to identify specific reactions/products, their mechanisms of formation, and their use as probes to elaborate pathways responsible for disease. Research efforts in each program span from bench-to-bedside, including basic/genetic, cellular, animal model, and human clinical investigations.
Experimental data and computational models for downloading
1) The refined structure of nascent HDL reveals a key functional domain for particle maturation and dysfunction
Wu, Z.; Wagner, M. A.; Zheng, L.; Parks, J. S.; Shy II, J. M.; Smith, J. D.; Gogonea, V.; Hazen, S. L. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 14, 861-8 (2007).
Computational model:
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a) All-atom molecular model of the Solar Flares model of nascent HDL. Available at mi.caspur.it (accession code PM0074956). |
2) The double super helix model of high density lipoprotein
Wu, Z.; Gogonea, V.; Lee, X.; Wagner, M. A.; Li, X.-M.; Huang, Y.; Arundhati, U.; May, R. P.; Haertlein, M.; Moulin, M.; Gutsche, I.; Zaccai, G.; DiDonato, J.; Hazen, S. L. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 36605-19 (2009).
Experimental data and computational models:
a) Small angle neutron scattering intensities for the protein component of nascent HDL (12 % D2O, collected at the Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France). |
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b) The solution low-resolution structure of the protein component of nascent HDL obtained by small angle neutron scattering with contrast variation (12 % D2O, ILL data). |
c) Small angle neutron scattering intensities for the lipid component of nascent HDL (42 % D2O, collected at the Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France). |
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d) The solution low-resolution structure of the lipid component of nascent HDL obtained by small angle neutron scattering with contrast variation (42 % D2O, ILL data). |
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e) The Double Super Helix model of nascent HDL. Available at www.rcsb.org (accession code 3K2S). |
3) Congruency between biophysical data from multiple platforms and molecular dynamics simulation of the double super helix model of nascent high-density lipoprotein
Gogonea, V.; Wu, Z.; Lee, X.; Pipich, V.; Li, X.-M., Ioffe, I. A.; DiDonato, J.; Hazen, S. L. Biochemistry, 49, 7323-43 (2010).
Experimental and computational models, and data calculated from simulation trajectory:
4) The low resolution structure of ApoA1 in spherical high density lipoprotein revealed by small angle neutron scattering
Wu, Z.; Gogonea, V.; Lee, X.; May, R.P.; Pipich, V.; Wagner, M.A.; Undurti, A.; Tallant, T. C.; Baleanu-Gogonea, C.; Charlton, F.; Ioffe, I. A.; DiDonato, J.A.; Rye, K.-A.; Hazen, S. L. J. Biol. Chem., 286, 12495-508 (2011).
Low resolution structures:
a) Small angle neutron scattering intensities for the protein component of spherical HDL (12 % D2O). |
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c) Small angle neutron scattering intensities for the lipid component of spherical HDL (42 % D2O). |
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5) The low resolution structure of nascent high density lipoprotein reconstituted with DMPC with and without cholesterol reveals a mechanism for particle expansion
Gogonea, V.; Gerstenecker, G. S.; Wu, Z.; Lee, X.; Topbas, C.; Wagner, M. A.; Tallant, T. C.; Smith J. D.; Callow, P.; Pipich, V.; Malet, H.; Schoehn, G.; DiDonato, J. A.; Hazen, S. L. J. Lipid Res., in print.
Low resolution structures and computational model:
View publications for Stanley Hazen, MD, PhD
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